The most recent of these is a 'work in progress' in acrylics - 'Joel with George and Tom' - Joel has a packet of Smarties but neither dog appears very interested.
'Joel with George and Tom'
I have the underpainting to finish and a lot of corrections to make . I am also debating wether to continue in acrylics or finish it in oils, so it will probably be a couple of months before I post news of progress on this painting.
I have the underpainting to finish and a lot of corrections to make . I am also debating wether to continue in acrylics or finish it in oils, so it will probably be a couple of months before I post news of progress on this painting.
I have always enjoyed painting pets, especially dogs, I have not painted many and they have usually been well loved pets.
After a first five minutes of bouncing around, dogs will usually sit quietly for a short time while a quick pencil sketch is made and photographs taken. I prefer to take photographs myself so that I can get a feel for the character of the dog and also the different views that I like to work from.
It is often necessary to use material from more than one photographic source in one painting.
'Pretty Boys'
Occasionally I have to make do with just one or two photographs - as in this next example of a painting commission from a lady who wanted a 'surprise' birthday gift for a friend and had managed to take the photographs without being seen.
'Settled in for the Night'
'Settled in for the Night'
Finally my own dog 'Dobi'. The painting was never finished apart from just the head and neck . It says just enough for me and I will always treasure it.

PS...I think a painting of 'squirrel' just has to be on the agenda!!!!!