The Springwatch Festival at the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust's Potteric Carr Nature Reserve, taking place on 30th and 31st May, promises to be a fascinating weekend with many events for a range of interests in the natural world. As part of the festival, as resident volunteer artist, I am leading a 'Stroll and Sketch' group around the Reserve, starting at 10.30 am at Sedum House and finishing at 12.30 at the Kingfisher Tearooms.

My plan is to visit the various parts of the reserve that have become favourites of mine and which I have painted or plan to paint in the near future. I will show you what it is that draws me to the views and we will do rough sketches of them.
If you would like to join me you will need a drawing pad with a hard back around 10x8 inches, a 4B pencil and pencil sharpener/ or a black biro ( with plenty of ink in )
Booking is essential at
Sheila Bury,
Volunteer Artist in Residence and Fundraiser at YWT Potteric Carr NR, Doncaster.