Saturday, May 15, 2021

Its a Family Thing

 Its not often that I use someone else's material for a painting but on this occasion I was completely blown away by the photographs taken by Sue and Roger Bird of a nest box with two nests,  (the smaller a wrens and the larger a blackbirds ) at YWT Potteric Carr nature reserve in Doncaster.                                                                     

"Its a Family Thing"
Acrylic on stretched canvas 20" x 16 "   

One of the original photographs I used for this painting. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Our Wildlife Garden in February Snow

'Our Garden Wildlife'
20x16 inches, acrylic on stretched canvas

My studio easel stands by a large window overlooking the garden and I get a lot of pleasure just watching the wildlife. The birdsong starts before sunrise and grey squirrels chase each other up and down the trees and around the garden. There are presently 3 robins, nuthatch, a number of blackbirds, goldfinches, long tailed tits, and 3 parakeets (occasionally 4 ) 🙂
I painted "Our Wildlife Garden" last week when the snow was still lying on the garden.🎨🎨🎨